An above ground pool is a natural choice for affordability, flexibility and low maintenance. We offer a wide selection of models to choose from to fit any budget and to enhance any backyard setting. Loads of worry-free fun, recreation and relaxation are packed into every one of our pools.
An onground swimming pool gives you the look of an inground pool at a lower cost and faster installation. These pools are designed to be partially submerged in the ground. Onground pools are ideal for backyards that have various grades or slopes and there are several options for surround decking.
A vinyl liner pool has 5 main components:
Wall Panels
The wall panels make up the walls of the pool and are usually made of steel.
A Pool Base
The pool base is made of grout, the grout is applied on the top of the soil.
Vinyl Liner
The liner is installed on top of the grout. The thickness of the vinyl liner is measured in mils and there are various thickness options. Clearly, the thicker the liner the stronger it is, which increases the longevity of the liner.
There are three common types of steps: plastic, vinyl over steps and a ladder.
Plastic steps are standard for vinyl liner pools, these are attached to the pool walls and jut out from the main body of the pool.
Vinyl over steps are premade with many options available. The liner fits over the steps.
The coping is the border of the top perimeter of the pool. We usually do a precast stone coping or a brushed concrete coping.
Fibreglass pools are a one piece composite based unit which is prefabricated and arrive to your site ready to be installed. Fibreglass pools are made of an incredibly sturdy material that is ideal for an inground pool.
A fibreglass pool is a great option for low maintenance and eco conscious homeowners.
Fibreglass pools exhibit enhanced flexibility that enables its pool to withstand various soil conditions.
For All your pool, spa, landscape design, construction and maintenance needs.